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7-Day Leash Training Mastery Guide

fenrir canine leaders 7 day leash training mastery guide

Leash training is a part of being a responsible dog owner. It goes beyond preventing your dog from pulling on the leash; it's about fostering a respectful and harmonious bond between you and your dog during walks. This kind of training ensures safety, control and enjoyment for both you and your dog whether you're navigating city streets or peaceful parks. In this guide we'll explore techniques using either a collar or a slip lead, two common tools for leash training, as well as the advantages of taking a balanced approach to teach your dog proper leash etiquette.

Choosing between a collar and a slip lead can greatly impact your training process. While many dog owners opt for the stability and control offered by a collar, using a slip lead can be particularly helpful during initial training stages especially if your dog tends to pull or is new to leash training. It provides guidance and correction effectively directing your dogs attention and movement.

A balanced training approach plays a role in training. This method combines reinforcement with corrections recognizing that dogs, like humans, learn best when there is a mix of encouragement for good behaviour and gentle redirection, from undesired actions.

By using this method you can train your dog to walk attentively beside you ensuring that every walk is an experience, for both of you. In the sections we will explain the steps and techniques to accomplish effective leash training with your canine companion.

Understanding Leash Training Basics

Leash training goes beyond teaching a dog not to pull; it involves fostering a sense of partnership and respect, between the dog and its owner. This training is crucial for a number of reasons; it ensures the safety of both the dog and those around it, grants control in various environments and establishes a foundation for effective communication between the dog and its handler. Proper leash training improves walks, transforming them from constant power struggles into stress free experiences.

The Flat Collar vs. Slip Lead in Training

Flat Collar: The flat collar, a tool in dog training is suitable for dogs that are already somewhat accustomed to walking on a leash. It provides control while minimising discomfort or coughing caused by pulling. However for dogs that tend to pull or have yet to learn leash manners a flat collar may offer less control and guidance.

Slip Lead: The slip lead is another option that can be beneficial during training. It gently tightens when the dog pulls but loosens when corrected behaviour is exhibited. This immediate feedback helps encourage leash manners. While this type of lead is particularly useful for correcting pulling behaviour during training sessions, caution should be exercised to prevent any discomfort or harm to the dog.

The Balanced Training Method

What It Entails: Using a balanced approach in training involves combining reinforcement, such as treats and praise with corrections like gentle tugs on the leash and vocal cues. This method aims to reward behaviour while also clearly communicating to the dog which behaviours are undesirable.

Effectiveness: The balanced training method is effective because it helps dogs understand what is expected of them through consistent signals. It acknowledges their intelligence and ability to learn, providing a caring framework for training. This approach works well in leash training as it teaches dogs not only to avoid unwanted behaviours like pulling but also to walk calmly and attentively by their owners' side.

By understanding these principles we can delve further into exploring techniques for leash training. The choice between using a collar or a slip lead, combined with the training method can significantly impact how effective and enjoyable your leash training experience will be.

Preparing for Leash Training

Properly preparing for leash training your dog is essential for achieving success. This involves more than selecting the tools; it also requires creating the ideal environment and mindset for both you and your canine companion. Here are some steps you can take to set the stage for an enjoyable leash training experience.

Choosing the Right Leash and Collar

Flat Collar vs. Slip Lead: When deciding between a collar and a slip lead take into account your dog's walking habits. A flat collar is generally suitable for dogs with leash training as it provides less control. However if your dog tends to pull or needs guidance a slip lead can be more effective. It offers a correction when your dog pulls, making it helpful during training sessions.

Quality and Comfort: Regardless of which type you choose, ensure that the collar or lead is of quality and fits comfortably on your dog. It should be secure but not too tight to avoid any discomfort or injury.

Creating a Conducive Training Environment

Minimise Distractions: Select a familiar environment for the training sessions. Picking a place without distractions will help your dog stay focused and learn without becoming overwhelmed.

Consistent Training Space: While introducing variety is important, starting in a familiar space will help your dog understand that it's time to focus and learn. Once they become more comfortable with the leash, you can gradually introduce them to environments.

Mental Preparation for the Dog and Trainer

Patience and Positivity: Approach your training sessions with patience. Maintain a positive attitude. Dogs can sense frustration which can hinder their learning process. It's important to keep the training sessions lively and rewarding to make it enjoyable, for your canine companion.

Setting Realistic Goals: Remember that progress in training may happen gradually. Celebrate the victories along the way. Stay consistent in your approach. It's crucial not to push your dog too quickly as this can result in setbacks.

Preparation plays a role in ensuring successful leash training for both you and your dog. By selecting the correct tools, creating a positive training environment and approaching the process with the right mindset you establish a strong foundation for effective and positive training experiences.

fenrir canine leaders 7 day leash mastery guide

Introducing Your Dog to the Collar/Lead

When it comes to leash training it's important to introduce your dog to a collar or slip lead, in a gradual manner. This will help ensure their comfort and safety. Here's a step by step guide to effectively acquaint your dog with these tools.

Step-by-Step Guide to Collar/Lead Introduction

  • Familiarisation: Start by allowing your dog to sniff and investigate the collar or slip lead. Place it on the ground and let them approach it in their own time, showing that it's not something to fear.
  • Positive Association: Once they show curiosity, reward them with treats and praise. This creates a positive association with the collar or lead.
  • Gentle Wearing: Hold the collar or lead close to your dog's neck without fastening it. Offer treats and praise as you do this. For a slip lead, loop it loosely around the neck and allow them to feel it without any pressure.
  • Securing the Collar/Lead: Gradually, as your dog becomes comfortable, secure the collar or lead. Ensure it’s a comfortable fit – not too tight or too loose.
  • Short Duration: Initially, have them wear the collar or lead for just a few minutes. Gradually increase the duration over subsequent training sessions.

Ensuring Comfort and Safety

Check for Fit: Ensure the collar or lead is properly fitted. You should be able to comfortably slide two fingers under the collar or lead when it’s on your dog.

Observation: Watch for any signs of discomfort or stress. If your dog seems uneasy, reduce the time they wear it and go back a step in the introduction process.

Associating the Collar/Lead with Positive Experiences

Play and Treats: Incorporate the collar or lead into playtime or treat time, so your dog starts to associate it with enjoyable activities.

Gradual Introduction to Walking: Once your dog is comfortable wearing the collar or lead, start with short walks in a familiar environment, continuing to use treats and praise to reinforce positive experiences.

It's crucial to approach the introduction of a collar or slip lead with gentleness and rewards for your dog. Making sure they feel comfortable with the equipment is essential for leash training. By creating associations between the collar or lead and enjoyable experiences, you pave the way for advanced leash training activities ahead.

fenrir canine leaders 7 day leash training mastery guide leash training techniques

Basic Leash Training Techniques

Leash training is essential for ensuring that your dog behaves well during walks. It encompasses teaching your dog how to respond to leash pressure and understand commands. This initial phase of training lays the groundwork for developing leash walking abilities.

Teaching the Dog to Accept and Respond to Leash Pressure

  • Leash Pressure Response: Begin by applying gentle pressure on the leash. As soon as your dog yields to the pressure (even a slight movement in the right direction), release the pressure and reward them. This teaches them to follow the leash’s guidance rather than resist it.
  • Consistency is Key: Repeat this exercise in different directions – forward, backward, left, and right. Consistency in this training will help your dog understand that leash pressure is a cue for movement.

Basic Commands to Start With

  • "Heel": This command is used to teach your dog to walk beside you. Start by having your dog sit at your side, then move forward with the command "heel". Reward them for staying by your side as you walk.
  • "Let’s Go": This is a more casual walking command, allowing your dog more freedom than "heel" but still requiring them to walk with you. Use this command to initiate walking and reward your dog for following alongside you without pulling.

Using Rewards and Corrections Appropriately

  • Positive Reinforcement: Use treats and praise to reward your dog for following commands and maintaining good leash manners. Positive reinforcement makes training an enjoyable experience for your dog and encourages them to repeat good behaviour.
  • Balanced Corrections: If your dog pulls or doesn’t respond to a command, use a firm but gentle correction with the leash. Immediately reward them when they return to the desired behaviour. This balanced approach helps your dog understand and learn from their mistakes without causing fear or anxiety.

Keep in mind that leash training should be approached gradually with patience and consistency. Start with focused training sessions. Gradually increase the level of difficulty as your dog becomes more comfortable and responsive. The ultimate aim is to establish a foundation of leash skills that can be further built upon in the future.

fenrir canine leaders 7 day leash training mastery guide common leash training challenges

Addressing Common Leash Training Challenges

Even if you have a training plan you might face some difficulties, like your dog pulling on the leash, getting distracted easily or feeling fearful and resistant. It's important to know how to tackle these challenges in order to successfully train your dog to walk on a leash.

Pulling on the Leash: Causes and Solutions

Causes: Dogs often pull on the leash due to excitement, desire to explore, or lack of proper training. It can also be a habit formed over time if not corrected early.


Redirection and Focus: When your dog begins to pull, change direction and encourage them to follow you. Reward them when they comply. This teaches them that pulling won’t lead them where they want to go.

Stop-and-Go Technique: If your dog pulls, stop walking. Only proceed when the leash is slack. This reinforces that pulling halts the walk.

Consistent Corrections: Use consistent, gentle corrections to discourage pulling. Pair this with verbal cues and rewards for compliance.

Reactivity to Other Dogs or Distractions: Training Strategies

Focused Attention Exercises: Train your dog to focus on you with commands like “watch me” or “focus”. This can help divert their attention from distractions.

Controlled Exposure: Gradually expose your dog to their triggers in controlled environments. Keep a safe distance and reward calm behaviour. Over time, slowly decrease the distance.

Professional Guidance: For severe cases, consider enlisting the help of a professional dog trainer or behaviourist.

Overcoming Fear and Resistance from the Dog

Identify the Cause: Understanding why your dog is fearful or resistant is crucial. It could be due to past experiences, lack of socialisation, or discomfort with the collar/lead.

Gradual Desensitisation: Expose your dog to the fear-inducing stimulus in a controlled, gradual manner. Pair this exposure with positive reinforcement to change their perception.

Patience and Empathy: Work at your dog’s pace and never force them into fearful situations. Build trust and confidence through positive, reassuring training sessions.

Dealing with these hurdles during leash training demands patience, consistency and occasionally thinking outside the box. By understanding what causes these issues and implementing solutions you can help your canine companion overcome them.

Leash Train Your Dog in 7 Days

Day 1: Introduction to the Collar/Lead

  • Morning: Allow your dog to sniff and explore the collar or slip lead. Place it near them during a relaxed time, and reward any interest shown.
  • Evening: Put the collar or slip lead on your dog for a short period (5-10 minutes) while in a comfortable environment. Offer treats and praise.

Day 2: Building Positive Associations

  • Morning and Evening (10 minutes each): Have your dog wear the collar or slip lead during a pleasant activity, like playtime or feeding. Continue to offer treats and praise to create positive associations.

Day 3: Introducing Leash Pressure

  • Morning and Evening (10-15 minutes each): Holding the leash, apply gentle pressure and reward your dog for responding, even slightly, to the pressure. Keep the session positive and relaxed.

Day 4: Basic Commands and Short Walks

  • Morning (15 minutes): Practise basic commands like "let's go" or "heel" in a familiar, low-distraction area. Reward compliance.
  • Evening (15 minutes): Go for a short walk in a quiet area, reinforcing good leash behaviour with treats and praise.

Day 5: Increasing Walk Duration and Introducing Challenges

  • Morning (20 minutes): Extend the walk duration. Introduce slight challenges, like changing pace or direction, and reward appropriate responses.
  • Evening (20 minutes): Repeat the morning's exercise, ensuring consistency in command and behaviour reinforcement.

Day 6: Practising in Different Environments

  • Morning (20-25 minutes): Take a walk in a slightly more challenging environment, like a busier street or park. Use treats and praise to maintain focus and good behaviour.
  • Evening (20-25 minutes): Practice leash walking in another new environment, reinforcing commands and good behaviour.

Day 7: Solidifying Training and Adding Distractions

  • Morning (25-30 minutes): Walk in an environment with more distractions. Practice commands and reward for calm behaviour amid distractions.
  • Evening (25-30 minutes): Continue practising in a distraction-filled environment. Begin to phase out treats gradually, using praise as the primary reward.

Important Notes:

  • Always watch for signs of discomfort or stress and adjust the training accordingly.
  • End each training session on a positive note to ensure your dog retains a good association with leash walking.
  • If your dog struggles with a particular aspect, spend more time on that before moving to the next step.

This schedule is a basic framework and can be adjusted based on your dog’s progress and comfort level. Patience and consistency are key to successful leash training.


Training your dog to walk on a leash, with either a collar or slip lead is a fulfilling journey that enhances the walking experience for both you and your canine companion. This guide has provided you with the steps to start this journey addressing challenges and offering strategies to maintain and build upon your training progress. Remember, patience, consistency and understanding your dog's needs and responses are key to leash training. Each step forward marks a milestone in developing a behaved pet that brings joy during walks.

As you continue practising and reinforcing these training techniques keep in mind that the journey doesn't end here. Leash training is a process that evolves as your dog grows and adapts to environments and experiences. Regular practice, combined with a training approach not only strengthens the bond between you and your dog but also ensures their safety and well being in different settings. Embrace each training session as an opportunity for growth, alongside your canine companion. Savour the adventures that await both of you on your walking paths.


How long does it typically take to leash train a dog?

The time it takes to leash train a dog can vary widely depending on the dog's age, temperament, and previous training experiences. On average, basic leash manners can be established within a few weeks of consistent training, but it's important to continue practising and reinforcing these behaviours over time for lasting results.

What should I do if my dog continuously pulls on the leash?

If your dog is a persistent puller, it's essential to be consistent with your training approach. Use techniques like the stop-and-go method, where you stop walking every time your dog pulls, and only proceed when the leash is slack. Consistent corrections and rewarding desired behaviours are key. If pulling continues to be an issue, consider additional training sessions focusing specifically on this behaviour.

Is it better to start leash training with a flat collar or a slip lead?

The choice between a flat collar and a slip lead depends on your dog’s current behaviour and training level. A flat collar is generally suitable for dogs with some basic training, whereas a slip lead can be more effective for dogs new to leash walking or those who tend to pull, as it provides more control and immediate feedback.

Can leash training help with my dog's reactivity to other dogs or distractions?

Yes, proper leash training can significantly help manage a dog's reactivity. Training your dog to focus on you and follow commands can provide better control in situations that trigger their reactivity. Consistent practice in controlled environments, along with positive reinforcement, can gradually reduce their reactive behaviour.

How often should I practise leash training exercises with my dog?

For the best results, practice leash training exercises daily, especially in the initial stages of training. Short, frequent training sessions are more effective than occasional, longer sessions. As your dog becomes more adept at leash walking, you can integrate these skills into regular walks and varied environments to reinforce their training.