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Top 5 Canine Medical Conditions Caused by Fast Eating

Top 5 Canine Medical Conditions Caused by Fast Eating

Fast eating can cause a lot of canine medical conditions.  It can be something easy to treat like a stomach ache or something that will send you rushing your dog to the vet like bloat.

As your dog’s owner, you need to help be their guide.  They don’t understand that eating too quickly can be detrimental to their health. 

They don’t know that if they eat too much, too quickly, they might vomit.

If you find your dog often eating too quickly and becoming ill, you should give something like the Fenrir Puzzle Bowl a try.  It can help to slow them during meals and prevent the health conditions we’ll be looking into today.

While fast eating is a cause for all of these conditions, it isn’t the only one.  So, if you’re concerned with your dog’s health, you should seek out a vet. 

They’ll be able to evaluate your dog and check for any underlying canine medical conditions that are affecting your dog’s health.

5. Stomach Upset and Vomiting

This makes number five on our list of canine medical conditions, because while no one wants their dog to feel sick, this condition isn’t usually life threatening and will resolve itself.

Most dog owners have seen it happen for themselves.  Their dog gets way too excited about a meal, scarfs it down, and then not even five minutes later they vomit.

It may make them feel better temporarily, but some dogs have a more sensitive stomach. They may not feel completely better after they vomit and their upset stomach may linger. 

Some signs of this condition include:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Lip licking
  • Stretching more often
  • Gulping

4. Gassiness and Diarrhoea

Number four on the list is a little more serious, but not usually life threatening.  However, prolonged diarrhoea can cause dehydration.  If your dog has diarrhoea for more than 3 days, it’s worth getting them checked out by a vet.

Eating too quickly can cause intestinal distress.  When your dog’s digestive system is under stress, it can’t function properly.

Imagine you just ate a big meal and did it too quickly.  A stomach ache is probably the first sign you ate too much, but there could very well be other unpleasant side effects later.

The same can be said for your dog.

Some signs of this condition include:

  • Bloating
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration
  • Gurgling Gut

fenrir canine leaders top 5 health conditions in dogs caused by eating too fast chocking

3. Choking

Choking can be scary. Especially when it’s your dog.  They’re afraid and they don’t understand that you’re just trying to help.

Depending on where the obstruction is, you might not be able to dislodge it and help them either. If that’s the case, you’re going to need to call a vet immediately to get them some medical help.

That’s why it’s made number three on the list.

If you notice any combination of the following symptoms, you should act immediately.

  • Retching
  • Pacing while pawing at the mouth
  • Struggling to whine
  • No noise at all

A partially blocked airway will allow your dog to make a small amount of noise as they try to alert you, but a fully blocked airway will allow for no noise at all.

There are several things you can do to try and help your dog, but if you’re not comfortable with it or don’t think you’ll be quick enough, you should call an emergency clinic and head there straight away.

Removing an Obstruction

You’ll want help for this if you have it.  It will make it much easier to remove the object if someone else is restraining your dog.

Gently restrain them, but do not muzzle them.  They’re already stressed and struggling to breathe.  You also need to be able to see in their mouth.

Open their mouth to look inside.  If the object is large enough, you may be able to remove it with tweezers or your hand.  However, if it’s a smaller item lodge in the airway, you may need to try the Heimlich manoeuvre on your dog. 

We’ll cover the Heimlich manoeuvre next.

Have the other person carefully hold their mouth open so that you can remove the object that is stuck.  If at any point you’re worried about getting bit, you should contact your vet.  You and your dog’s safety is what really matters.

Do not push at the object with your finger.  You may lodge it deeper in their throat.

Do not stick your fingers down their throat to sweep away the object.  You could accidentally hurt your dog or get bit.

Heimlich Manoeuvre for Dogs

This can be a little scary, because you don’t want to hurt your dog, but it can also save their life in an emergency situation.

For small dogs:

Carefully pick them up by their thighs and gently shake them in a downward motion 3-4 times.

For large dogs:

If you pick them up by their thighs, support their head on your legs as the extra body weight can injure their joints.

You can also have them stand on the floor and lift their back legs like a wheelbarrow.

Make a fist with one hand and place your other hand over top of it.  Push firmly up and forward until your hands are just below the rib cage.

If your dog is lying down and won’t stand you can place one hand on their back for support.  Then use the other hand to squeeze the abdomen upwards and forwards.

Regardless of whether or not you have removed the obstruction, you should take your dog to get looked at by a vet.  The object that was stuck or needing removal can cause harm.  It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

fenrir canine leaders top 5 health conditions in dogs caused by eating too fast obesity

2. Obesity 

Obesity may not always kill quickly, but it can lead to lifelong medical conditions and complications that end in premature death.

This canine medical condition makes number two on our list, because being even just 10% overweight can shorten a dog’s lifespan by a third. 

Obesity can predispose them to other conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, and diabetes. 

If your dog has put on a lot of weight, you might notice they’re bigger however that’s not the only symptom of obesity.  

You should be able to feel your dog’s spine, ribs, and define their waistline.  If not, they could be overweight.

Other signs of this condition include:

  • Needing help in and out of the car or onto furniture
  • Excessive panting
  • Tiredness
  • Refusal to play
  • Rounder face

If your dog needs to shed some serious weight, you should talk to your vet and see what they recommend. 

They can help you work out an appropriate amount of food for meal times and help you find ways to get your dog active again.

fenrir canine leaders top 5 health conditions in dogs caused by eating too fast bloat

1. Bloat

Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GVD) more commonly known as “bloat” makes number one on our list.  Bloat is always a medical emergency and will cause death if not quickly treated.

It occurs when the stomach fills with food, gas, or fluid, and then twists over on itself. 

As the stomach fills and pressure increases, blood flow is cut off from the hind end of the body.  Blood from the hind legs and abdomen can’t flow back to the heart as circulation is cut off.

It also cuts off blood flow to the pancreas which creates toxic compounds when it is deprived of oxygen.  Due to this, a dog can make it through treatment and still have complications or even die, because one of the compounds targets the heart.

It only takes a couple hours for complications and death to occur, so it’s important to be vigilant. 

If you have suspicions that your dog may be experiencing bloat, you need to contact a vet and get them treated immediately.

Signs of this canine medical condition include:

  • Enlarged abdomen
  • Lack of appetite 
  • Nausea 
  • Restlessness 
  • Pain


There are many downsides to your dog eating too quickly and poor health is certainly one of them.

It can range from minor discomfort to a life or death situation, so it’s important for you to stay vigilant and make sure your dog stays healthy.  If you’re ever concerned, you should always contact your vet.

They’ll be able to help you in any medical situation and even taking your dog in for peace of mind will never hurt.

FAQs About Canine Medical Conditions

Are there other factors besides fast eating that can contribute to these conditions?

Yes, there can be other factors involved, such as the type of food, food allergies, and underlying health issues. Consulting a vet is advisable for a proper diagnosis.

When should I be concerned about my dog's diarrhoea, and how long is it acceptable for them to have it?

If your dog has diarrhoea for more than three days or shows signs of dehydration, it's important to consult a vet for evaluation and treatment.

Can obesity in dogs be reversed, and what are the health risks associated with it?

Yes, obesity can be managed and reversed with proper diet and exercise. Obesity can lead to various health risks, including heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems.

What is bloat in dogs, and why is it so dangerous?

Bloat, or gastric dilatation-volvulus (GVD), occurs when the stomach twists and fills with gas or fluid. It's life-threatening because it can cut off blood flow and lead to organ damage within hours.

What are the signs that my dog might be experiencing bloat, and what should I do if I suspect it?

Signs of bloat include an enlarged abdomen, lack of appetite, nausea, restlessness, and pain. If you suspect bloat, contact a vet immediately, as it requires emergency treatment.

Remember that if you have concerns about your dog's health or any of these conditions, it's always best to consult your veterinarian for personalised advice and guidance.